8585 E. Hartford Drive

Suite 600

Scottsdale, AZ 85255

(480) 654-2920


About Dr. Jeff


Master Pain Diagnostician

After nearly 35 years as a health practitioner, Dr. Jeff Donahue has learned to address pain and stress in ways that are different than traditional medicine. He takes a holistic, natural  approach that looks beyond  your immediate symptoms and pain, and helps you retrace your path back to good health. 


Dr. Donahue can watch someone walk or swing a golf club, and know from their physical movements what probably ails them.  He is a very accomplished, highly experienced pain diagnostician. He knows that aches and pains - particularly long-standing pain issues - are easy to spot.  For him at least.  And diagnosing them correctly and early is the best way to ameliorate pain and create lasting freedom of movement. 

Stress causes depression, anxiety, and worry.  And these can cause changes in hormones, decreased libido, weight-gain, and trouble sleeping.  Gut issues like indigestion, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, acid reflux and even problems with poor immune function... (becoming ill often and easily) are all caused by stress.

By using a combination of instrumentation, physical examination, and lab testing, Dr. Jeff uncovers the evidence of dysfunction. He then creates a bespoke care plan to address the issues found.  No two plans are alike


This “wellness plan” uses techniques from chiropractic, acupuncture, and manipulative muscle and fascia procedures such as myofascial release, but also includes stretching and strengthening techniques (routines), auricular therapy (acupuncture of the ears that helps regulate the body’s internal organs and functions), plus nutritional corrective programs.

The three ways that stress manifests itself in any patient are (a) the physical; (b) the emotional/energetic (c) and the metabolic. And Dr. Jeff treats them all by combining techniques from chiropractic, acupuncture, nutrition, and exercise science.  He “balances” them.

In addition to working with patients in his office, Dr. Jeff also works with patients that are thousands of miles from his office. He has been extremely effective in working with people remotely on their internal and metabolic health.

This holistic approach to health creates long-lasting improvement. Less stress. No more pain. A much happier life.

Together this holistic approach to medicine creates long-lasting improvement.  Less stress.  No more pain.  A much happier life.   

“A balanced body is a self-healing miracle.”  


- Dr. Jeff Donahue

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